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Tip #12

Believe in yourself! As cliché and corny as this sentiment can seem, it's a sentiment we often need. If we expect to succeed at anything, we need to believe in ourselves like we need air to breath! No matter how seasoned we are in any craft, self-doubt may still rear its ugly head.

I recently had a session that required me to sing a song. While I am no Ariana Grande, I am classically trained and can usually sing on key. I practiced and practiced and practiced and practiced for several days, and when it came time for the session...well, I was less than stellar. In fact, I was pitchy, had trouble singing along with the music, and just plain sucked. I was devastated! I felt so badly about myself in that moment, and allowed it to affect me for the rest of week! I just “KNEW” how disappointed the director and composer were, and “KNEW” that they would immediately find a replacement and never hire me again! They would call my agents, tell them how terrible I was, and my career would be over!

If you are lucky enough to never have fallen down this spiral of despair, count your blessings! However, if you're like most of us, all I can say is that when it happens, while picking yourself up and dusting yourself off may seem easier said than done, take comfort in the fact that it is not the end of the world. I still have a career, and thank goodness, there is usually a take two.

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